Review I Would Rather Stand With God And Be Judged By The World Lion Warrior shirt

Greetings my friends and my brothers and sisters in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “Worthy is the Lamb; worthy is the Lamb of God.”
There has been an enormous amount of emotional and spiritual activity that has been taking place in the world this past week and understand that every bit of it is under the sovereignty of God, so do not be dismayed or lose confidence by what you see or hear. But, rather let of pray for those who are less fortunate than we are in whatever capacity that may be. This we are commanded to do by our Lord Christ, in Matthew 5:44. At the same time, we shall not “cast [holy] pearls before swine,” as it is written in Matthew 7:6. And this verse, while it seems to contradict the former, it does not. Rather, we must understand that this is why Jesus did not perform miracles among the unbelievers when they asked Him to prove Himself.


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