Myteashirts - I cant decide if I want to look like a snack or eat one shirt

I can imagine him being sat at the bar sitting there like "i don't know these people" trying to eat but getting more annoyed, while the food fights and background fish jokes are going on behind him with the staff trying to calm the situation or panicking, shin is ready to snap. Some one said "A snack or eat one with 3 things you should NOT do to bartenders: 1. Shake your glass to get attention. 2. Snap. 3. Eat your food after doing 1 or 2". 
I cant decide if I want to look like a snack or eat one shirt

I never did the cattle or hay but I did work the garden. Snaps, butter beans & peas were the worse. It seems you never got anywhere w/ them. The pot never got full. We canned it all to eat during the winter. In the fall it was chopping wood. I never did that but I had to carry it.

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