Myteashirts - I stand for my flag beside my brothers in front of my loved ones shirt

I’m posting this to make you MAD! To make you NEVER forget ego the REAL enemy is, not black men waving red and blue flags going through self hate. Apartheid begin in the 50’s this shit is 1998!! Yes they still doing this to our relatives! You ready and woke yet?? Hope Mueller has enough to get Scotus to have Trump arrested and teach all those fair and unbalanced Americans, who despise government’t from behind their flag pins & so-called love of Constitution, how to actually remedy a domestic enemy. 
I stand for my flag beside my brothers in front of my loved ones and on the necks of my enemies shirt

CNN Fashion WIN! Acosta on Stephen Colbert just ROCKS it w/charming insouciance engaging smile & American Flag socks! "from the Enemy of the People collection" says he.

Click to buy: I stand for my flag beside my brothers in front of my loved ones and on the necks of my enemies shirt
Homepage: Myteashirts Store


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